​​2023 SpringBreak Nature Camp!

April 10-14; 9:00am-3:00pm (rain or shine)

For 1st - 5th Grade​​

​Staff & Safety

  • Lead Camp Counselors are certified in First Aid and CPR/AED
  • ​Camp programs operate in compliance with NJ Department of Health Youth Camp standards
  • Low Counselor to Camper ratio provides a safe and attentive environment

Camp Dates/Hours:

  • Monday, April 10 - Friday, April 14
  • 9:00am - 3:00pm (extended care is not available)
  • Signup for individual days, or the whole week
  • Camp is rain or shine! We'll move under our covered pavilion or inside our main building as needed

Price (per camper)
Full Week (5 days)
   $345​​ - Standard Rate
   $320 - Siblings Discounted Rate (for all siblings)
   $300 - Current New Weis Center Members*

Individual Days (1-4 days)
   $85​​ - Standard Rate
   $80 - Siblings Discounted Rate (for all siblings)
   $75 - Current New Weis Center Members*
​*Membership at the "Supporter" ($75) level or above receive discounts on camps and other programs. Membership is tax-deductible with year-round benefits, and is non-refundable. Not sure if you're a member? 
Contact Us or Join/Renew NOW!


  • Payment in full is required to confirm your registration.
  • We will send an email prior to the start of camp with information, including what your child should bring and wear, directions for drop off and pick up, camp rules, and other useful information.
  • A universal health form (or equivalent) signed by the parent/guardian and physician and latest vaccination record are required.

CAMP T-SHIRT (optional)

Please choose the size on the registration form and include an additional $20  with your payment if you would like a t-shirt. Shirts are short-sleeve "safety" green (yellow/lime color), with The New Weis Center's logo on the front and "Nature Camp" on the back in dark green lettering.


  • A $35 processing fee applies to ALL refunds
  • We cannot offer partial refunds if you miss a day
  • Full refunds will be provided with 2 weeks notice. Requests for refunds with less than 2 weeks notice are only available if we can fill your spot.
  • ​Refunds due to major illness or family emergency will be assessed on a case-by-case basis


  • We follow recommended state and local guidelines, subject to change
  • Masks are OPTIONAL (indoors & outdoors)

> We reserve the right to remove any child without refund due to unacceptable behavior, and to reschedule or change programs as needed.​


​​​​Our Spring Break Nature program for children currently in 1st-5th grade runs during the week when many schools are closed for spring break. Our beautiful 152 acre property features a historic main building, covered pavilion, picnic grove, recreation field, hiking trails, gardens and a stream.

Each day incorporates fun and immersive experiences and a variety of nature-focused activities, to enhance your child’s enjoyment and understanding of the nature world around them. Crafts and games will focus on ecology, science, flora and fauna and the environment, and will incorporate the natural surroundings. Each day will be spent outside.

If you have older children, check out our Emerging Ecologists programs grades 6th-9th!

​​​​​​​Spring Exploration: Plants, Animals, Weather and Water!
Regrowth & Rebirth!  
Campers will explore some of the most distinctive signs of spring, including wildflowers, spring ephemerals, and flowering trees during forest hikes. We'll use plants for craft inspiration, plant seeds and prepare our garden areas, learn about food cycles and play some fun plant-themed games.

Water!  Campers will learn about the changing seasons and the role of our watershed by exploring the Blue Mine Brook, vernal pools and our raingarden, and conduct water testing experiments.
All About Animals!  We'll enter the world of animals as we learn about their big jobs that happen every spring, including migration and reproduction, and learn how to observe, identify, track and inhabit the world of our local wildlife.

Note: the activities will vary to accommodate the weather and site conditions.

Activities include:

  • Hiking to amazing viewpoints and historic ruins
  • Exploring the forest for signs of animal habitat, the changing seasons, and lifecycle of the forest
  • Plant and tree identification, including spring ephemeral flowers
  • Birdwatching to look for migrating birds using field guides and binoculars, and observing our bird-feeding station
  • Team-building games and nature inspired crafts