
We are pleased to mentor students through our internship programs, and provide continued support as they pursue career opportunities, including resume reviews, references, letters of recommendation and career counseling.

Meet some of the students currently interning at Weis, and learn about our internships and how to apply.

We have volunteer opportunities to suit a variety of interests, skills and availability. Whether you are considering volunteering regularly or occasionally; day or weekend; using your hands, head or both; we can always use more help! Here are a few ways you can lend a hand:

We can always use a hand with:
▶Gardening - weeding invasive species, pruning, planting native plants
▶Landscaping - clear and maintain paths, rake, spread woodchips, remove sticks and debris
▶Building repair and maintenance - lots of old buildings means lots of upkeep; minor and major repairs​
▶Programs and events - planning, setup/cleanup, assist with running programs, check-in/concession table
▶We are also always in need of donated skilled services, including: general handyperson, plumbing, carpentry, electrical, masonry, tree service, landscaping!

Volunteer Days!

​Join us for our monthly Saturday morning (9:00AM-12:00PM) Volunt​eer Days, on the 3rd Saturday of each month from May-October. We welcome volunteers (individuals, families, clubs, scouts) to stop by and help with some much needed cleanup in our gardens and grounds. Bring work gloves if you have them.

  • Suggested age: 8+; under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • ​ No registration is required, but please let us know if you are bringing a group (5 or more)​​

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"  ~ Helen Keller